Burundi Visa Photo Requirements & Instructions

Burundi is a beautiful country located in East Africa, and it is known for its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and rich culture. If you are planning a trip to Burundi, one of the essential things you need to do is to apply for a visa. When applying for a Burundi visa, you will need to submit a passport-sized photo as part of the application process. The photo requirements for a Burundi visa are straightforward, but it is crucial to ensure that you follow them closely to avoid any delays or issues with your visa application.

The first thing to consider is the size and format of the photo. The photo must be 2 x 2 inches or 50 x 50 mm in size and in color. It must also be a recent photo taken within the last six months. The image must be clear and of high quality, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The photo must not be blurry, pixelated, or grainy.

The background of the photo is also essential. The background must be plain white or off-white, with no patterns, shadows, or any other distracting elements. The background must be uniform and should not overshadow the subject. To ensure that the photo meets the requirements, it is advisable to take it against a plain, light-colored wall or use a white background.

When taking the photo, it is important to ensure that you are in the correct position and expression. You should be facing the camera directly, with your head centered in the frame. Your face must be fully visible, and your eyes should be open and looking straight ahead. The photo must not have any reflections, and there should be no shadows on your face. You must have a neutral facial expression with your mouth closed.

It is crucial to note that some countries may have additional photo requirements or specifications. It is essential to check with the Burundi embassy or consulate in your country to ensure that you meet all the photo requirements before submitting your visa application. Additionally, it is advisable to use a professional photographer to take your photo to ensure that it meets all the necessary requirements.

Burundi Visa Photo Requirements & Instructions

Background Requirements: What You Need to Know

When applying for a Burundi visa, one of the essential requirements is a valid passport-sized photo. One crucial aspect of the photo is the background, which must meet specific requirements. Here's what you need to know about the background requirements for your Burundi visa photo.

Plain Background: The background of your photo must be plain white or off-white. There should be no patterns, designs, or shadows in the background. The background should be uniform and not overshadow the subject.

No Obstructions: There should be no obstructions in the background of the photo. This includes furniture, curtains, or any other items that may appear in the background. The photo should only contain the subject and the plain background.

High Contrast: The subject of the photo must stand out from the background. The contrast between the subject and the background should be high. The subject should not blend into the background.

Uniformity: The background of the photo must be uniform. There should be no variations in color or texture. Any inconsistencies in the background may result in your application being rejected.

No Reflections: The photo must not have any reflections on the background. Any reflections can make it difficult to see the subject of the photo clearly.

By following these background requirements, you can ensure that your Burundi visa photo meets the necessary standards. It is essential to note that the background requirements may vary depending on the country you are applying from. 

Position and Expression: How to Ensure Your Photo Meets the Requirements

When applying for a Burundi visa, submitting a valid passport-sized photo is a requirement. In addition to the photo size and background, the position and expression of the subject are also essential factors that must be considered. Here are some tips on how to ensure your photo meets the requirements for position and expression:

Head Position: Your head must be facing the camera directly. The head should be centered in the frame, with your face fully visible. The photo should not be taken from an angle, and your head should not be tilted in any way.

Facial Expression: Your facial expression must be neutral with your mouth closed. You should not smile or frown in the photo. Your eyes should be open and looking straight ahead, and there should be no hair or anything covering your face.

Lighting: The lighting of the photo should be even, with no harsh shadows on your face. The photo should not be overexposed or underexposed.

Attire: You should dress appropriately for your photo. It is advisable to wear clothing that covers your shoulders and does not have any distracting patterns or designs. Your clothing should be in contrast with the background.

Glasses: If you wear glasses, ensure that there is no glare on the lenses. The frames should not cover any part of your eyes.

Hair: Your hair should be neatly combed and not cover your face. You should avoid wearing headbands, hats, or any other headgear that may obstruct your face.

Photo Quality: The photo should be of high quality, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. It should not be blurry or pixelated.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Burundi visa photo meets the necessary requirements for position and expression. It is important to remember that the specific requirements may vary depending on the country you are applying from.

Photo Size and Format: Getting it Right

When applying for a Burundi visa, it is important to submit a photo that meets the specific size and format requirements. Here are some tips on how to ensure your photo meets the requirements for size and format:

Size: The photo must be a standard passport size, measuring 45mm x 35mm. The head in the photo, from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin, must measure between 25mm and 35mm.

Background: The background of the photo should be plain white, without any patterns, designs, or shadows. The subject should stand against the background, and there should be no objects or people visible in the background.

Format: The photo must be in color and taken against a white background. The file format should be JPEG, with a file size of no more than 240KB. The photo should be high resolution, with a minimum of 300 dpi.

Printing: The photo should be printed on high-quality photo paper, with a matte or glossy finish. It is important to ensure that the print quality is clear and not pixelated.

Guidelines: It is recommended to use a photo editing tool to adjust the size and format of the photo, ensuring that it meets the specific requirements for the Burundi visa application.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Burundi visa photo meets the necessary requirements for size and format. It is important to remember that failure to submit a photo that meets the requirements can result in delays or even rejection of your visa application. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully read and follow the guidelines provided by the Burundi embassy or consulate in your country.

Tips for Taking a High-Quality Visa Photo

When it comes to taking a high-quality visa photo for your Burundi visa application, there are several tips that can help you ensure that the photo meets the necessary requirements:

Lighting: Good lighting is crucial for a high-quality visa photo. The photo should be taken in a well-lit area, with natural light or a soft, even artificial light source. Avoid harsh or direct light, as this can create shadows or overexposure.

Background: The background of the photo should be plain white, without any patterns, designs, or shadows. It is important to stand against the background, and there should be no objects or people visible in the background.

Camera: It is recommended to use a high-quality digital camera or smartphone to take the photo. The camera should have a high resolution and be capable of capturing sharp, clear images.

Distance: The subject should be positioned about 1.5 meters away from the camera, with the camera at eye level. This ensures that the photo captures the full head and shoulders of the subject.

Expression: As mentioned earlier, a neutral facial expression with the mouth closed is required for a visa photo. Make sure you have a relaxed and natural expression, and avoid smiling, frowning, or other exaggerated expressions.

Clothing: It is recommended to wear clothing that covers your shoulders and does not have any distracting patterns or designs. Your clothing should be in contrast with the background.

Glasses: If you wear glasses, make sure that there is no glare on the lenses. The frames should not cover any part of your eyes.

Editing: It is recommended to use a photo editing tool to adjust the size and format of the photo, ensuring that it meets the specific requirements for the Burundi visa application.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your visa photo meets the necessary requirements and is of high quality. Remember to carefully read and follow the guidelines provided by the Burundi embassy or consulate in your country, as specific requirements may vary depending on your location.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Taking Your Burundi Visa Photo

When taking a photo for your Burundi visa application, there are several common mistakes that can result in rejection or delays. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

Inappropriate Facial Expression: Make sure your expression is neutral with your mouth closed. Do not smile, frown, or have any exaggerated facial expressions.

Incorrect Head Position: Your head should be straight and centered in the photo. Do not tilt your head or turn it to the side.

Incorrect Background: The background of your photo should be plain white without any patterns, designs, or shadows. Make sure there are no objects or people visible in the background.

Incorrect Distance: Stand about 1.5 meters away from the camera, and make sure your entire head and shoulders are visible in the photo.

Incorrect Size and Resolution: Your photo must be a standard passport size, measuring 45mm x 35mm, with a head size measuring between 25mm and 35mm. The file format should be JPEG, with a file size of no more than 240KB. The photo should be high resolution, with a minimum of 300 dpi.

Incorrect Lighting: Good lighting is essential for a high-quality photo. Avoid harsh or direct light, as this can create shadows or overexposure.

Incorrect Clothing: Wear clothing that covers your shoulders and is in contrast with the background. Avoid clothing with distracting patterns or designs.

Incorrect Glasses: If you wear glasses, make sure there is no glare on the lenses and that the frames do not cover any part of your eyes.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase the chances of your Burundi visa photo being accepted without delay or rejection. Remember to carefully read and follow the guidelines provided by the Burundi embassy or consulate in your country, as specific requirements may vary depending on your location.

Additional Requirements for Burundi Visa Photos: What You Need to Know

In addition to the basic requirements for Burundi visa photos, there may be additional requirements depending on the purpose of your visit and the type of visa you are applying for. Here are some additional requirements to keep in mind:

Work Visas: If you are applying for a work visa, you may need to provide additional documentation, such as a letter from your employer in Burundi. Your photo may also need to show you wearing appropriate work attire.

Student Visas: If you are applying for a student visa, you may need to provide documentation from your school in Burundi, and your photo may need to show you wearing appropriate attire for your academic program.

Family Visas: If you are applying for a family visa, you may need to provide documentation to prove your relationship with the family member in Burundi. Your photo may also need to show you with your family member.

Medical Visas: If you are applying for a medical visa, you may need to provide documentation from your medical provider in Burundi, and your photo may need to show you with medical equipment or medication.

Diplomatic Visas: If you are applying for a diplomatic visa, you may need to provide documentation from your embassy or consulate, and your photo may need to show you in formal attire.

It is important to carefully read and follow all of the guidelines provided by the Burundi embassy or consulate in your country, as additional requirements may vary depending on your location and visa type. By ensuring that your photo meets all of the necessary requirements, you can increase the chances of a successful visa application process.

Rules and Requirements for Babies, Infants, and Newborn Passport and Visa Photos

Taking a passport or visa photo for a baby, infant, or newborn can be challenging due to their size, lack of mobility, and sensitivity to light and sound. However, it is important to ensure that their photo meets the specific requirements of the country you are traveling to. Here are some general guidelines for taking passport or visa photos for babies, infants, and newborns:

  • Eyes: The baby's eyes should be open and looking directly at the camera. Make sure there are no shadows or glare in the eyes.
  • Head position: The baby's head should be straight and centered in the photo. Use a headrest or support to keep the baby's head steady.
  • Background: The background of the photo should be plain white or light-colored without any patterns, designs, or shadows.
  • Clothing: Dress the baby in clothing that contrasts with the background and covers their shoulders. Avoid clothing with distracting patterns or designs.
  • No Other Person: Make sure there are no other people visible in the photo, including parents or guardians.
  • No Objects: Remove any objects that may be in the background of the photo, including toys or other items.
  • No Shadows: Make sure there are no shadows or reflections in the photo.
  • Size: The photo should be passport size, measuring 45mm x 35mm.
  • Quality: The photo should be of high quality with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
  • Facial expression: The baby's facial expression should be neutral with their mouth closed. Do not try to make them smile or laugh.
  • Baby alone: The baby should be alone in the photo. Do not hold them or prop them up with your hands.

It is important to check with the embassy or consulate of the country you are traveling to for any specific requirements for passport or visa photos for babies, infants, and newborns. Following these guidelines can help ensure a successful passport or visa application process for your little one.


You can check the requirements for Burundi visa photos on the website of the Burundi embassy or consulate in your country. Make sure to carefully read and follow all of the guidelines provided to ensure your photo meets the necessary requirements.

Yes, you can wear glasses in your Burundi visa photo as long as they do not obstruct your eyes and there is no glare or reflection on the lenses.

No, you should not smile in your Burundi visa photo. Your facial expression should be neutral with your mouth closed.

No, you should not use a selfie for your Burundi visa photo. The photo should be taken by a professional photographer or at a photo studio that is familiar with Burundi visa photo requirements.

Yes, you can wear a head covering or religious garment in your Burundi visa photo as long as it does not cover your face and you can be identified from the photo.

No, you should not edit your Burundi visa photo in any way, including resizing, color correction, or removing background. The photo should be a true and accurate representation of you.

The validity period of a Burundi visa photo varies depending on the type of visa you are applying for. Check with the embassy or consulate for the specific requirements.

If your Burundi visa photo is rejected, you will need to take a new photo that meets the necessary requirements. Make sure to carefully follow all of the guidelines provided by the embassy or consulate to avoid any issues.

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